Web Design

UCL MotionInput Website

We were given the opportunity, through the UCL Industry Exchange Network (IXN) model, to design and create a website for the MotionInput of University College London (UCL). This opportunity was given to us by the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) because they had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with University College London (UCL), in an aim to promote student participation in real projects assigned by the industry. This opportunity helped us to acquire a tailored experience in various industry areas, while enhancing our future career prospects.

What is MotionInput?

It is a Camera-based recognition layer for Microsoft’s directX. The app only requires a standard web camera and will recognize gestures and map these 2 events, as a result you can interact with your computer without the need of a keyboard or mouse. MotionInput works across a range of gestural modules and in many different contexts (Gaming, Office Work, Content Creation, Exercise and in Clinical Settings/ Clinical Office Work or Rehabilitation, these span a variety of different interaction types that can be body, voice, hands, head, eyes).

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